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Trénereink, partnereink

I graduated with Bachelor of Economics and Finance from Beijing International Studies University in 2004 and I hold MBA degree with Distinction from CEU Business School in 2010. I also studied at Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University for MBA Finance and Accounting  for one semester.

I have extensive experience working with multi-national companies. I used to work as senior consultant in Ernst & Young, Assistant Sales Manager in JIN XI HONG Trading Co and Business Consultant at Campanaglobal Consulting.

I hold TEM (Test for English Major) certificate Level 8, the highest of Angol certificate in China and I also hold Cambridge Business English Certificate Angol (Higher Level). I conducted lots of Angol training, workshops and lectures for undergraduates and adults education in China.

2010-ben, amikor megalapítottam az, elsődleges célom az angol nyelv mindennapivá és élővé tétele volt. 14 év angoltanítás után pontosan látom, mire van szüksége egy felsővezetőnek, egy vállalkozónak, egy alkalmazottnak és egy nyelvvizsgára készülőnek a mindennapi életben.

Célom, hogy megkíméljem a diákokat (és a tanárokat is) az unalmas és hosszadalmas tankönyvi fejezetektől, a felesleges nyelvtani feladatoktól, és a használhatatlan passzív szókincstől.

A egyedülálló módszerével az aktív, sikeres és használható nyelvtudást tudod magadévá tenni, és a nyelvi készségek mellett kialakíthatod a magabiztos kommunikáció készségét is.


Angol tagozaton tanultam a Külkereskedelmi Főiskolán, de a legtöbb üzleti tapasztalatot egy holland tulajdonú IT cégnél szereztem. Értékesítési vezetőként a nemzetközi üzleti környezetben a mindennapi üzleti kommunikációt  sajátítottam el. Mivel idegenvezetőként is dolgoztam, így a turizmus és gasztronómia nyelve is közel áll hozzám.



business English trainer



job interview training, coach

Célom az, hogy segítsek az álláskeresőknek elhelyezkedni, kialakítani egy stabil énképet és önbecsülést, mely által magabiztosan indulhatnak a megmérettetéseken. Képzettségeim: pedagógiai és jogi diploma, valamint felsőfokú reklám és marketing szakképesítés; számos tréninget, tanfolyamot tudhatok magam mögött, például: Lemma Coaching, Agykontroll, Siker-Kód, Kommunikáció és tárgyalástechnika, Vásárlói típusok és kezelésük stb.

Born in Taunton, the county town of Somerset, I spent my late teens mainly in the city of Exeter, the capital city of the county of Devon. In those days, I was very keen on motor racing and trained and worked in classic car restoration.
I began teaching electric guitar, a hobby that began in my late teens, and the enjoyment gained from teaching guitar lured me back to college to study to be a school teacher.
Due to friendships during my studies, a family connection and a strong interest in the former communist states, I found myself in The Czech Republic teaching English in a private school in 1998. I moved from Prague to Budapest, where I now teach Business English.
In my free time I like play guitar in a band called The Vibe. I also have a strong interest in photography, travel, art and tennis.

English trainer


I was born in Canada back in the 80's, but grew up in several parts of the world: My dad was a music conductor, so we were always hitting the road, eventually making me see life to be a never-ending journey. I guess, I can consider myself to be a blessed guy to receive such a gift to grow and mature in cultures and languages of all kind. Anyhow, by the time I reached Hungary during my Odyssee, the idea of journey slowly developed into becoming my main metaphore for life and everything within it: like learning a language, for example. Because learning, in a sense, is a journey: we travel from not knowing into knowing, from confusion to undersanding. And the same applies when we try to acquire a new language as well.

Exploring the infinite possibilities it comprises, discovering new patterns and ways of thinking, expanding your undersanding of reality by redefining your concepts and adopting new ones – this is what language learning does. And there are only few things I can think of that are of greater value to me than escorting and helping someone along this journey.

This is my reason for ”teaching” English.


I am happy to share the rest in person.

English trainer

Készíts profi fotót önéletrajzodhoz, céged arculatához vagy egyéni portfóliódhoz.


Egyedi megoldások, frappáns ötletek, ahol az egyéniséged tükröződik.

Business English trainer

I like people and I like teaching people. The most important aspects of being an effective teacher for me are, to get to know my students and their needs, and to build a relationship of trust.  When you have trust, students are open and the teacher can do whatever works best for each individual.  The other side of this is that a good teacher also needs to be accountable and ensure that students are learning whatever they are supposed to be learning, and whoever is paying is getting their money's worth.

I have held jobs ranging from junior to supervisory and management positions. This has helped me gain insight into the language style and vocabulary that is effective for different aspects of business, and in a variety of situations. I grew up and was schooled in Canada, so I consider myself lucky because I learned English according to British traditions in school and I am also familiar with North American English.

The trend today is towards a more streamlined and easier to understand English, or the so called "international English", which is being used worldwide as the language of business and government affairs.  The language is forever changing, and learning is a never ending experience, so in order to be able to teach well, I keep an eye on what is going on in the world and take part in trainings, which helps me stay fresh and current. 

Kodolányi János Főiskola

Együttműködésünk keretében állásinterjúra és nyelvvizsgára, valamint üzleti nyelvi készségekre készítjük fel a Főiskola hallgatóit. 

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